Thursday, July 11, 2013

Overview: Month of June 2013

Hey people! Did you think I forgot about June's exercise stats? What! You did?!? Well ok, I nearly did. They're looking poorly, except for the mileage. Now you must remember that June was hot and I don't run fast in the sweltering, humidity laden heat. We also had a lot of rain, but guess what? I rode the bike in the rain and I even ran during some sprinkles. I know, it's a break through. I learned an important lesson, too.....I don't melt. Can you believe it?

Alright then, I won't keep you in suspense, any longer......just in case you were wondering:

June 2013:

Ran:               50.89 miles....whoa, way more than May...of which, you can read about (here).
Best Pace:     12:29 avg./4.81 mph avg......I know, seems like I'm regressing. It's the heat.
Longest run:   6.09 miles
Bike:               81.07 miles ......whoa, way more than May.
Best mph:       11:09 mph avg.....ho hum.
Longest ride:   25.27 miles....woo hoo!
Races:            Simpsonville Sunrise 8K Run

Get this...I've started to experiment in July. On my weekly run days, I've started biking directly afterwards. I'll let you know soon how that goes. So far, I overheated the first day and got nauseated and then the second time was better. I'll figure out the nutrition, hydration, heat and humidity. Surely, I will lose some more weight. Surely! Hopefully!

The half-marathon training officially begins in...7 a.m....every Sunday morning.  No matter that I'm not an early morning person. No matter that nausea haunts the heck outta me, if I get up too early. What the hay, no pain, no gain...right. I've already been trying to do a few longer runs. But, I need the expertise of coaches on nutrition and hydration and pacing during long runs, as in.....13.1 miles. I'll keep you posted on that, too.

Hold on...I'm wrapping it up.

Oh my sweet mercy, it's only six weeks until Cliff's re-match with Ironman ~ Louisville. I'm already getting nervous. I do it for both of us, so he doesn't have to. I'm compassionate that way.

Run on,


  1. So excited for your training. Mine would begin in 2 eke if only.... I like gu but its an individual thing. I use it with plain water every 45 min or 4 miles.

    1. Thanks Darlene. I've only tried GU once. I've tried some of the chews and liked them pretty well.

  2. You go girl!!! :D Yay from the rafters...:D (but I'm working on it - trying to find my ground to work around my fibro...I'll get there!) In the meantime you are my inspiration!
    Beth P

  3. Yeah we have to get out in the rain these days or there'd be no working out.

  4. Keep up the good work. You can do it!

  5. You rode your bike in the rain?? Those were downpours!!! At least in Charleston as we were visiting at the time! We had to laugh at ourselves when we thought we could ride around in a mini-Cooper whenever we live down there. Ha, ha... not with those flooded streets! SUV, here we come!

    1. Yeah girl, in the rain. Not down pours, though. We have those on and off. You'll get used to them. If I were you, I would definitely go for the SUV. So, when's the big move?

  6. Wow, you are a machine! Just remember to keep hydrated and healthy..the heat is a real challenge and killer.

  7. I declare, Laurie, I do not see how you do it, especially with the heat. I've been working on some projects in my master bath, inside and air-conditioned house and it is kicking my rear, so they probably would have put me six feet under, by now, if I were running or riding a bike outside. You go, girl! Happy weekend!
