Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Month of May's Rundown

Daisy from my flower garden.
I am well aware that this post will not be for everyone. It is to capture moments and memories for me and my family. BUT.......
In case you were wondering:
May 2013:
Ran:                38.58 miles
Best Pace:      12:20 avg./4.87 mph avg.
Bike:               62.68 miles
Best mph:       11:32 mph avg.
Longest run:   7 miles
Longest bike:  15 miles (twice)
Races:             Capers Island Eco Run 10 K and Brookgreen Gardens 5K
I am a list maker and a calendar keeper so it's no surprise that I keep all this data.  It helps me look back and see where I've faltered and need to make corrections or where I've excelled and just keep on keeping on. May was an extremely busy month for me. I see that my run miles are down. That is partly due to increasing my bike miles. And, I am well aware that my pace is down. Could be the heat and the fact that I know I am not pushing myself. I'm just not feeling the need right now. It's hot and humid out.
I've had a decision to make this week regarding biking vs. running. If you remember, a new goal of mine was to ride with the Woman's Tour Group in Michigan this summer. Unfortunately, it has become clear to me that I will not be ready for this tour ride at the rate I'm going. Too many obstacles. I could definitely be ready if I trained more but, I have already made a commitment to run a half-marathon (13.1 miles) in October. So, I think the half-marathon will trump the bike tour this year. However, I am not counting it out. I am putting it on the schedule for next summer. We'll see how it goes. For now, the running will continue as I train for the half-marathon. But, I will also keep riding the bike. It is great cross training. Need to sneak a couple of swims in there, too. Boring! But, it's a great lung building exercise. I'm running an 8K Saturday in Simpsonville and Cliff has another triathlon on Sunday in Greenwood..... It's gonna be another busy week and weekend. Ran 5 miles Sunday and the rest of my runs this week will be 5 miles in preparation for the 8K Saturday.
Oh wait, I didn't tell you the good news. Whitney is coming home, Wednesday, for 10 days. Yippee!!!! It's gonna be beach time for the Cox family. She is bringing me Kitter tales and photos. Can't wait. It's time for another Kitter post. She's been having all sorts of experiences.
Gotta go run...hope to beat some of the humidity...then biking this evening. Yikes! Lungs get ready.


  1. I am a list maker too and yes do the half!

    1. Thanks Darlene! I'm so sorry you have a fractured metatarsal. That just stinks. I loved reading about your half in Florida. It sounds like one I would like to do. For now, I'm definitely running the Georgetown Bridge 2 Bridge. Get better soon!

  2. Yep, I too am a list maker. However, alas my lists don't look as productive as yours do! Congratulations on all the fab exercise and goals you have set! I do so miss running but since fibro I can't even imagine running any longer... *SIGH* Running was my favorite sport ever...
    good luck on the 1/2 marathon and the bike ride - if you manage to get in gear for it in time... but there's always next year for that!
    Beth P

  3. Oh Mercy Laurie, I'm tired just reading this post ;D
    My lungs are my weakness so I won't be entering any marathons but it's great to go through it through your experiences.
    I am not a list maker but my hubby is...well he's a spreadsheet kinda guy! He's often the brunt of jokes over this but he won't be deterred!
    Love the daisy photo especially with the wee beastie!
    Enjoy your training (yuk) and Good Luck :D
