Monday, January 23, 2017

Church Fans

Ladies, if you are in your 50's, then you know we all need a little extra help in the cooling department sometimes. At those times, I find myself flailing, sweating and slinging clothes, pillows, bed covers...whatever. Cliff's mama sympathizes with me. In her gentile, southern, ladylike way sent me a wrapped gift by Cliff. When I opened it, this church fan was what I found. Ha! I commenced to whooping and fanning.

Cliff said, "If you take that thing to church, I'm not going!"


Well, for over a week now, we have been having extremely warm weather, so I didn't need to wear a coat to church yesterday....just long sleeves.  I wore this cute little number. No, that's not me.....she's a Glamour Farms model. I love that little online shop.

Anyway, it turns out that I didn't even need the long sleeves. During church service I felt like I was about to have a heatstroke. I had already pushed my sleeves up when I leaned over and told Cliff that I needed my church fan. He rolled his eyes so hard that I thought he was going to turn ramrod stiff and start speaking in tongues. HaHa! I used the church bulletin instead. 😂



  1. Honestly, men have absolutely NO idea what we women go through when it comes to our hormones! I do believe from the moment we are born female, those dang hormones have more of an influence on us (good and bad) than anyone realizes!

  2. Cute, cute dress!

    I found a cure to the hot flashes! I haven't had one in months. It's Progesterone Cream ~ 20 mgs twice a day. It's over-the-counter and I get it from Swanson's Health Products online. I highly recommend it!

    1. I love it! Glamour Farms has some really cute things.

      Lord love ya, I love to hear what works for others. I'm going over there to check it out.

    2. I did a lot of reading about it online before ordering it. Just google Progesterone cream for hot flashes and you'll get it all. Very interesting and it turns out that your body needs it as you age anyway.

    3. Thank you, I will. I've already been to the website. Specifically, which one of the creams did you try?

    4. It's the NOW brand in the white bottle.

  3. LOL---I love a church fan- I can remember when there were fans in the back of churches for the taking to use. Too funny. I LOVE glamour farms. I think it has such cute things. I just sent the link to my GF who has a young girl that is curvy and very hard to fit. She said everything they could find that fit her looked matronly. I told her-GO VISIT Glamour Farms. I haven't talked to her since to see if she did.
    Glad you husband didn't turn into a "holy roller" during service. xo Diana

    1. Lol! That would have been the talk of the First Baptist Church. Who knows, he might've started a revival.

      Oh, I hope your friend does take a look at GFs. They have the cutest things.

  4. I was gonna say, church
    Bulletins work great. Hahaha. However, Im alway cold and never been hot enough to have to fan myself. But then again, I havent hit 50 yet either lol.

    1. Well honey you are in for a treat. Lol! 😂

  5. At 67, the flashes have nearly subsided...not nearly as frequent now.
    Used to love having one while in line at the grocery store! Sweat on my upper lip! Hahaha!
    Women have it rough...that's for sure!
    Cute dress...
    Linda :o)

    1. My favorite are the ones in the middle of the night when you wake up drenched and have to change gowns. Lol!

    2. Wait....I have done that. :/

  6. Hot flashes are a pain when you're in my line of work. In surgery we wear gowns, masks, hats, gloves (2 pair at once) and sometimes the OR is super hot...well anything over 69de is super hot and we're under the hot OR lights. Yikes! When I quit estrogen it was hard at first but things have slowed down to not having as many. Thankfully!

    1. Oh Lord, YaYa! I wouldn't survive your working conditions. I'm glad they've slowed down for you.

  7. Cute dress! And that fan is so pretty! My hot flash days are mostly over since I went through menopause several years ago. Now I find that I'm cold most of the time.

    1. Thanks, Tammy. I'll probably switch at some point, but right now I can't fathom being cold most of the time. You live in the right climate for that.

  8. My hot flash days are coming in the night :-) After drinking too much coffee ... You can also made a folded paper fan. So cute! And know: green tea can temporarily ease the discomforts!

    1. Thanks Jedidja, I haven't heard about green tea. I'll try it, too.

  9. LOL! You two crack me up! I'm on a bio-identical hormone replacement since the world just isn't safe with my hot flashing! LOL! Pack that fan, girl. ;) Cute dress! blessings ~ tanna

    1. Lol, Tanna!! I love it. Watch out world! I'm about to wear out my fan.

  10. I'm not there quite yet but there are moments when my husband accuses me of being a furnace.

    1. Lol! It takes the men a little longer to get used to our power surges!

  11. I swanny Cliff always has something going! Guess that's why I love him so good :) I don't think I am quite there yet, but for about a month now I have been waking up in the middle of the night washed down in sweat! And you know me I am ALWAYS cold! I can only imagine whats to come. Love the dress by the way. Ready to part with the green striped one I love so much?

    Love ya!

    1. Night sweats are a part of it, but I don't think you're quite old enough yet. Not ready to part with the dress, but saw a gray and white one in their website. Love you too, and so does Cliff!

  12. Well, I call them "power surges" out! Fun post, Laurie! Aloha!

    1. Me, too, sometimes. I can imagine that's exactly how it feels. Aloha to you!

  13. Oh, I can sympathize completely. The church fan is perfect - I would be making sure I had a purse to hold that little number wherever I went! I have to sleep with an electric fan, no matter how cold it is outside. My hubby is just used to it now :) I love that cute little dress - I'll have to check out that web-site! xx Karen

    1. Thanks, Karen. Cliff is getting used to it. He's sitting in front of the tv right now wearing a thick Berber robe. Lol!!

  14. This cracked me up. I'm old enough to have hot flashes behind me. Now I'm cold. A blanket and a dog work wonders.....🙂

    1. I'm looking forward to feeling that crazy? I can always add sweaters or blankets, but can only take off so much. Good to hear from you Anita!
