Tuesday, May 7, 2013

True Confessions

This is my Gerber Daisy from last summer. It was a potted plant that surprised the heck out of me. It bloomed it's little head off. As it happens every summer.....the heat gets the best of me and I tend to neglect my outdoor plants. (True confessions). I let this little beauty die a slow death.....I thought. But Lo and Behold, she has come back to life. She survived living on the porch at the beach, in a pot, under an overhang, with little to no water all winter. And now, she is putting out green leaves. The surprises continue.

But alas, this post is not about my Gerber Daisy! I just thought she was pretty and wanted to share her with you. (True Confessions). No, this post is about "what the heck am I doing?". Do you ever just sit back and wonder, sometimes?

I am a new blogger. I started blogging to capture the memories of my family from day to day or week to week, to tell the story that I live daily and to preserve the memories for my grandchildren and future generations. I never dreamed that blogging would open up my world, literally. I stumbled across a post one day that was an invitation to join a blog party. I thought, "what the heck, why not?" So, I did and was absolutely astonished at the rate my blog grew, overnight. Now, just five months since the blog party and I have readers all over the world. I will be forever grateful to Vicki. You can read more of the original story here.

True Confessions

I wouldn't doubt it, if everyone is totally confused as to what kind of blogger I am. Well, it's not a specific type for sure. Like I said, I do this to capture memories for me and my family.

So it's no surprise that you will find a conglomeration of topics here. Be patient. If you don't like today's post, you may like one next week.

I find myself now blogging with you in mind, even though this blog was and still is meant to capture life memories for my future generations. Why? Well, I've given that a lot of thought. A few reasons are:

1) I have meet so many new friends through out this process. I cherish each one of you!
2) For whatever reason, my new friends are interested in what I write. Holler!
3) Because travel for some may not be an option, why not share where we live and breathe with those who will never see this place. Ahhhhh!
4) If you get a chuckle once in a while from my posts, then I've done my job. Laughing is internal jogging. Good for you....it does a body good! Pass it on!
5) And I hope to be an inspiration to you on the matter of your health. It's an ongoing process. It's hard in the throes of menopause to lose weight. But, BUT, If I find the fountain of youth or just a little tip that can help you.....I'm all up for sharing.

These are only a few of the reasons I blog. I hope I haven't confused you even further.

Disclaimer: By the way, I read your blogs. I just don't comment on all because I would be here all day. Sorry, but Cliff would nearly die, if I spent any more time reading and writing than I do now. (True Confessions). I am a read-aholic. Reading is like crack for me. I could spend all day doing it. In order to have a life, I have to draw the line somewhere. Also, I used to try to reply to all your comments and that has become time consuming as well. I am so sorry. I feel guilty not replying. But, we have to have boundaries, right? I love you all, I read your blogs and I am crazy excited to get comments and I most certainly read them all. I will from time to time reply. And, I'm sure I will continue to evolve. Please be patient with me. It's a virtue.....Mama said so!

Question: Do any of you have the same problem as in my disclaimer? It is true confession time. Confess it, sisters and brothers. Confessions are cathartic.  I will not judge! Can I get a witness?

OK, that's it. Confession time is over. Get off the computer, go outside and do something physical. You can tell me all about it tomorrow.


In closing, in case you were wondering:

Total miles run in April: 29.4 (That's a little disappointing, oh..but wait, I started biking. Duh!)
Total miles on the bike in April: 41.58
Since the Divas 5K post, I've run: 13.36 miles (Includes my 7-mile run Sunday...started training for the half marathon a little early. Don't worry, I'll be careful.)
Since the Divas post, I've biked: 24.49 miles (Heading out in just a few, for more.)

Please come back from time to time. I love your comments. And I will definitely be following you!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Love reading your posts. Keep it up.

  2. Always love reading your posts-and look forward to the pictures you share. So sad I didn't get to sightsee while I was in SC, so I have to do it via blogland!

  3. I love reading your posts and I take care of flowers just like you! :)

  4. Flowers and bloggers are sweet, pretty, and very understanding...not to mention forgiving! Plus we just keep blooming! Your reasons for blogging are the very same as mine and I also have found great people all over the world. It is time consuming...hey, it's 11:20pm and I have to get up at 5:30am..so I'll just end here by saying: Ditto to your blog!

  5. ...and another "ditto" from me! It seems we are all having fun sharing bits and pieces of our wonderful lives with each other. What could possibly be wrong with that?!

  6. Hi Laurie, I want to thank you for your most encouraging words, thoughts and prayers. I shall prevail. Thanks for pointing me to the Gerson Miracle. I will watch it xo Linda

  7. I too am a book addict (True Confession) - if I have a book I get nothing else done all day LOL But I also know the definition of many words that I might not know if I hadn't been a reader all my life. Which comes in mighty handy when playing Scrabble with my husband LOL

  8. Ditto confessions to all of the above, even the neglected daisy! I would love to be able to keep up with all of my blogging friends, as well, Laurie. I do well just to do as much as I do. As you can see, it is now 12:42 AM and I am sitting here, still blogging. I honestly do not know how some people manage all that they do and you may have seen a comment of mine, here or there, stating that very thing. My reasons for blogging are much the same as yours. I understand what you are telling us because it sounds so much like me, uh, except the part about running!

  9. I enjoy your blog! I tried replying to comments . But I can't fix them to show up in my email to make if easy to reply (like some bloggers do) . And I replied under the comments but not sure if my reader gets the personal reply. I am still figuring it out. But I don't mind not getting replies back from comments I leave, because I know the blogger read them and if she appreciates them with a smile is all I need. Keep posting your running-- it inspires me.
