Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Squirrel Predictions

A squirrel and his nuts.
This is his favorite place to perch.
 I've heard that if they have a bushy tail, we are in for a cold winter.  If that's true, we will be having a mild one. But, look at how furry his toes are. Wonder what that means? Leg warmers and furry toes....maybe snow?

Wishing and Hoping,



  1. Winter, snow or not he sure is cute.

  2. Beautiful header!
    I have never heard that...I must see what kind of tails my squirrels are sporting!
    Enjoy your evening...
    Linda :o)

    1. Thanks, Linda! I bet your squirrels have big ole fat tails! Ha! Probably big enough for a small fur coat.

  3. He's the same variety as mine! He even has that red racing stripe down his side. haha. Yes, I agree his tail is wimpy.....definitely a southern squirrel. haha.

    1. HaHa!! Southern for sure....he's even a beach bum. All he needs now are flip flops and Bermuda shorts.

  4. Beautiful, beautiful photo Laurie! How interesting about his tail, I wonder if it is true?

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for visiting my blog. That sure is a nice compliment coming from one who takes gorgeous photos. I'm not sure if the bushy squirrel tail is true or not, but it makes sense to me. Our horses will grow a thicker coat for winter, so maybe there's something to it.

  5. We had a squirrel feeder in the backyard of our old house. I could watch them from my kitchen window. That is one of the only things that I miss about living there. The squirrels haven't found our country home, yet :)
    Have a lovely day!
    Connie :)

    1. Connie, I'm sure you'll have squirrels in short order. Just put out some feed...then sit back and wait.

  6. Hmmm. I am now going to go study our squirrels' tails!

  7. I have heard a lot of wisdom before but must admit, the bushy tailed winter squirrel on is new to me. It makes perfect sense. I did hear earlier in the week, as I remember it was on the Weather Channel, that snow might be heading down here from the east next week, so who knows? I also heard there is a hurricane brewing in the Atlantic and that is just plain crazy to think about in January! Can't wait to find out what those furry feet are about (lol)!

    1. LOL! I bet those furry feet came in handy last night with all that wind we had. I thought for a second it was a tornado. This is some crazy weather....possible snow for the east and a hurricane in the Atlantic. Mother Nature is have a fit! But to my dismay, the snow will stay north of us. :(

  8. I think our squirrels have scarfs too! I love your post about keeping family traditions alive...I'm going to have my husband read it too! So inspirational!

    1. Thanks, Anita! Scarfs, haha! And, thank you for your kind words. Nothing like family traditions!

  9. Great capture with the camera - I love dad, not so much, as they are so destructive in his yard.

    1. They're as aggravating as the day is long. I'm with your dad on that one. But, they sure are photogenic.
