Monday, January 4, 2016

Geraniums In January

It's January the 4th.  It's not normal for geraniums to still be blooming, yet here they are. I took these pictures this morning. It's been so warm that the geraniums have continued to flourish. However, it's supposed to get into the high 20's tonight and I'm guessing that will be the end of Geraniums in January.




  1. So pretty! I drove past a house yesterday that had pink and red geraniums planted in rows along their driveway. I love them but they don't fare well here once heat and dust set in.

    1. Thanks Tammy. I love geraniums, too. They do really well here. Poor things have to suffer through heat and not getting watered sometimes for a week or more, but thrive anyway. I'm sure they've been loving our mild days lately.

  2. Beautiful! You could bring them inside! I've done that here before...sunny window and they do great!

    We were 13 degrees this morning! Whoa!

    1. I've wondered about that. I'll give it a try.

      Wow, 13 degrees? Will your kitties venture out in those temps?

  3. Geraniums will survive in pretty chilly temps. That's why the pioneer ladies brought them in during the winter and set them in front of a window. And you know those windows were not insulated or double panes! But it was most likely the only blooming plant that would survive that they could have for a splash of color in those long, cold winters. My daughter had a beautiful, huge Martha Washington geranium that she brought inside in the fall and set back out in the spring. She kept it going for several years that way.

    1. I really had no idea you could keep them so long. Im sure glad to know this. I just brought them in this morning and they're looking so nice under their window...winter home. Thx!

  4. It's funny, the flowers that bloom in Vegas during the winter months - especially since all of them would be dead in Denver! Roses and pansies at the top of the list! Stay warm, my friend!

    1. The roses don't bloom, but pansies do really well here in SC, during winter.

  5. You lucky Duck!!
    A few that I brought inside are just putting on their final show...
    As Betsy says...bring the pots in...they can go back out, when the temps warm up!!
    Have a great day Laurie!!
    Linda :o)

    1. HaHa! You get snow, I get Geraniums. I brought them in this morning. Hopefully, they'll do well. Hope you have a great day, too, Linda.

  6. Laurie, Those are so pretty. I love to see colorful flowers in the cold of winter. I actually have two little violas that planted themselves, still growing even after some snow and frost. What a hardy little flower. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo,Susie

    1. Thanks Susie, they sure have been tough. Violas are very pretty, too. I bet yours really put on a show against a snowy backdrop.

  7. Purdy, purdy! So much for winter. ��

    Jim Fowler, Greenville, SC

    1. Thanks Jim, but they don't hold a candle to your orchids. I'm not giving up on winter yet. I'm still holding out for at least one snow. I'll be over in your neck of the woods tomorrow. Thank goodness for GPS ... I get lost on my own.

  8. New year brings exciting new things and we have something VERY exciting to share with you!

  9. I remember geraniums growing year round in So Cal. when I grew up. I always loved the look of them. They would definitely have to be inside here right now.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is always nice to know there are readers out there.

    Happy New Year!

    1. I was just looking at your view of the mountain outside your window and wishing I was there. Love your town!

  10. So pretty and what a great color in the midst of winter. It has warmed up from the single digits to teens here and there were a couple of robins in our back yard at the bird feeder. They were here all winter last year as well but it was pretty warm for this area.

    1. Thank you, CatieAn. I moved the geraniums inside and they are still looking good. They even have new flower buds on them. I was hoping for a colder winter here, this year. But, it seems like it's going to be a mild one. Let's face it, I just want snow. LOL!
