Monday, September 15, 2014

Upstate Country Run

Tried my feet in a new adventure this week. Remember, we bought a lake house? It's in the upstate, in the foothills. It's a whole new place to explore.

I have been hesitant about running here because it's hilly, but I needed to I went. Just a few words to describe it:

HILLS - Not unlike Colorado, but at least I can breathe here.

CURVES - Not only is our road hilly, but it's narrow and curvy. There's no shoulder. I cringe, if a car comes by. By the way, only two came by. So, I cringed twice.

DOGS - Barked at by three. Thank heavens they were in a fence. Doesn't matter, still scared the bejeebies out of me.

And then.......

UNKNOWN CRITTER: As I was rounding the last curve and descending the last hill, I saw a critter in the road. I couldn't make it out.

MY THOUGHTS: Could be a squirrel. If it's a squirrel, he'll run off by the time I get there. Oh wait, that's too big to be a squirrel. OMG! I hope it's not a skunk. Hope I scare the "C" word out of him so he will run off. Oh great, he's not moving. Wait, there's my driveway. It's ok, I'll turn before I get close to him. OMG!! OMG!! Now, it's moving towards me. Run feet, run!

REALITY: Bark, bark, woof, woof, bark, bark! Oh Lord, it's just Paul's dog.

FINAL THOUGHTS: He better not bite me!

HaHa! Only in LaLa Land!



  1. Your country run sounds like my runs. A lake house sounds divine.

    1. Do you ever get over the fear of being hit by a car? Or critters? Haha.
